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Burns Injury




Intended Learning Outcomes

Burns Injury

  1. Describe the epidemiology and different forms of Burn injuries
  2. Describe how to estimate the severity of Burn Injuries
  3. Outline initial Burns management in adults and children: pre-hospital, during transport and in hospital (0-72 hrs)
  4. Describe the identification of patients who require referral to a specialist burn centre
  5. Explain the principles for early fluid management (0-72 hrs) (rule of nines, Lund and Browder chart, and the Parkland formula) and electrolyte disorders
  6. Describe inhalation injury and difficulties in airway management in Burns patients
  7. List the indications for escharotomy, fasciotomy, wound care and other primary and secondary surgical techniques utilised in the first 72 hrs
  8. Describe Burn injury specific issues of metabolism and nutrition
  9. Describe altered pharmacology of drugs commonly used in Burns management
  10. Explain the differences in Burn management between adult and children
  11. Outline the principles of ethics and management of mass casualties


eModule Information

Relevant Competencies from CoBaTrICE

Burns Injury

  • 1.1 Adopts a structured and timely approach to the recognition, assessment and stabilisation of the acutely ill patient with disordered physiology
  • 1.3 Manages the patient post-resuscitation
  • 1.6 Assesses and provides initial management of the patient with Burns