- 1.1 Adopts a structured and timely approach to the recognition, assessment and stabilisation of the acutely ill patient with disordered physiology
- 1.2 Manages cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- 1.3 Manages the patient post-resuscitation
- 1.4 Triages and prioritises patients appropriately, including timely admission to ICU
- 2.1 Obtains a history and performs an accurate clinical examination
- 2.6 Obtains and interprets the results from blood gas samples
- 2.7 Interprets chest x-rays
- 2.9 Monitors and responds to trends in physiological variables
- 2.10 Integrates clinical findings with laboratory investigations to form a differential diagnosis
- 3.1 Manages the care of the critically ill patient with specific acute medical conditions
- 3.2 Identifies the implications of chronic and co-morbid disease in the acutely ill patient
- 3.3 Recognises and manages the patient with circulatory failure
- 3.4 Recognises and manages the patient with, or at risk of, acute renal failure
- 3.5 Recognises and manages the patient with, or at risk of, acute liver failure
- 3.6 Recognises and manages the patient with neurological impairment
- 3.7 Recognises and manages the patient with acute gastrointestinal failure
- 3.10 Recognises and manages the patient following intoxication with drugs or environmental toxins
- 4.1 Prescribes drugs and therapies safely
- 4.8 Recognises and manages electrolyte, glucose and acid-base disturbances